The TRNW Fix Database
is one of the best diagnostic tools available anywhere. The Fix Database is indexed by transmission type for easy access, and it contains over 8,800 REAL-LIFE fixes for common transmission problems. Every time a real fix passes through our tech forum, it is added to the Fix Database. Therefore, this valuable information is growing daily. Click on a listed fix, and you can read the entire thread as it appeared on our tech forum. The question, all of the responses, and the fix are printed out for easy review.
TRNW's Technical Data Library
is the ultimate technician quick reference to transmission specifications and rebuilding information. Sprag rotations, check ball locations, clutch and band application charts, solenoid specs, pressure testing, diagnostic information, and much more!
TRNW's Tech Tips
are a great source of up-to-date information that will help you keep up with the changing times. From rebuilder do's and dont's to transmission assembly tips, we have plenty of information to browse through. Image posts are constantly being added to this section as 'Picture Tips', so new information is added regularly.
TRNW's Forum Archives
TRNW currently has 4 e-mail forums, including the most active and informative transmission rebuilder forum in the industry. TRNW is the home of the original core group of members who have been communicating here for over 10 years. You can count on the experts here at TRNW to help you solve the toughest of technical and management issues. 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There will be no long distance phone calls, and no waiting on hold. Just post your problem to one of our easy-to-use e-mail forums, and you will have answers within minutes. Here is the best part:! You won't have to rely on the opinion of just one technical advisor. You will have possible solutions from several different people, from all over the world. You won't find a better way to gather information on how to fix those hard-to-diagnose jobs anywhere. TRNW's Tech Forum is not littered with non-tech material, like you may have seen on the free transmission forums. Our Management Forum, and our Shop-Talk Forum keep these types of posts from over-populating our tech forum. The TRNW website also contains complete Forum Archives from 1997 to the current year..
TRNW's Technical Service Bulletins
TRNW members have access to over 100 Technical Service Bulletins released by ATC and written by Paul Yaklin. These bulletins go into great detail on how to fix common problems on todays complex transmissions. The database is catagorized by transmission type, and is easily searchable.
TRNW's TesTech Technical Lessons
written by Stevie Lavallee, are available here on TRNW. Whether you need to brush up on your skills, or break-in a new employee, these lessons are just what the doctor ordered. From basic electrical fundementals, to complex troubleshooting problems, TesTech Lessons have allot to offer any serious transmission technician.
TRNW's Scanner Movie Database
is a collection of problem vehicle data recordings as well as good working vehicles for comparison. TRNW members have the ability to post their scanner movies to our e-mail forums so other members can evaluate the data and offer possible solutions. Strength in numbers!
TRNW's Wave Form Database
and Scanner Movie Database are in a league of their own. No other technical service provides lab scope wave forms and scanner movies as a diagnostic reference. In this section of the TRNW website, you can view lab scope wave forms of good and bad circuit components as well as data bus communication circuits. You can also view scanner movies of specific transmission problems which will help prepare you to diagnose these types of problems when they come into your shop.
TRNW's Part Number Database
was designed to make it very easy for you to find those difficult to locate transmission parts. The information is categorized by transmission type for fast and easy reference. From electrical componants to soft parts, if it's hard to locate you will find it here. TRNW is the only place where you will find hard to locate part numbers, so get on board today!
TRNW's R&R Tips
Let's face it. Good tips on how to R&R some of the more difficult models are hard to come by. R&R tips by TRNW are a great way to acquaint yourself with that unfamiliar job before you have to tackle it blindfolded. All of the information that is collected in this database was either donated by other members, or it was posted to one of our e-mail forums. New material is added regularly so the available information is always up to date.
Join TRNW Today!
TRNW is like having hundreds of transmission rebuilders at your door step to answer your questions. No job is too difficult! TRNW members unite together to help solve the most complicated problems from today's complex, fully electronic, automatic transmissions. Join TRNW today and see what your missing! It's like a seminar in your mail box every day!
is an international network of transmission technicians, transmission rebuilders, and transmission shop owners who discuss every aspect of running a transmission repair facility. TRNW members interact on everything from rebuilding tips, diagnostic help, troubleshooting, parts locating, and the art of operating and managing a full-service transmission shop.
TRNW Store

G-Tec Heated Cooler Line Flusher
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A618/47RE Noise Filter
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GM Power Relay
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AW Solenoid Service Tool
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Aisin Solenoid Bushings 100 Pack
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VB-Fix Reaming Fixture
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Sonnax Vacuum Test Stand
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Ford LED Brake Light Fix
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Pressure Gauge Adapter Set
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