Confirmed fix - AS69RC - 6 speed - 2015 DODGE Ram - 5500
Complaint: High gear starts. Various electrical faults.
Cause: Moisture intrusion. Case connector pin terminal damage/corrosion. Internal harness connector damage.
Correction: Replace the case pass through connector with internal harness assembly.
Part numbers related to the repair: see pics attached for OE part number info
Year Make and Model of the Vehicle: 2015 DODGE Ram 5500 with 6.7 diesel engine
Mileage: N/A
Transmission: AS69RC
Additional Notes: These trucks are known for trans connector pin terminal damage due to moisture intrusion. Be sure to check the vehicle harness connector side for presence of pins that have broken away from the case pass through connector. Assemble with dielectric grease to prevent moisture intrusion and fretting corrosion.
Pictures: Included below
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