2008 Ford F250 5.4L 5R110W
Complaint: Truck was brought into shop for Intermittent no start and setting codes P1702, P1706 and P1707.
Cause: Shop did some checks, found the linkage was adjusted correctly and the case connector looked good. Installed a scan tool and checked the frequency of the TRS, at random times you would see the frequency drop to zero then it would come back to normal. Shop brought out the voltmeter to do some circuit checks, before going into transmission to check the TRS. When checking Pin 21 for battery voltage it would show voltage, they started to move the harness around and voltage would drop to zero, so they started checking the harness and found that the harness was rubbing on the AC lines, they pulled back the insulation from around the wires and found the violet/green tracer wire that supplies the voltage to the TRS was damaged causing the code to set and the random no start.
Correction: Repair the damaged wire and reposition the harness so it would not rub against the AC lines.
Part numbers related to the repair: NA
Year Make and Model of the Vehicle: 2008 Ford F250 5.4L gasoline
Mileage: N/A
Shop Name: Jasons Kustoms
Transmission: 5R110W
Additional Notes: These trucks should always have the harness checked if any electrical transmission codes are set due to position of harness as it is prone to rub on the AC lines.
Tech called back to confirm the fix.
Pictures: Included below, photo 1 shows the area where the wires are damaged from rubbing on the AC lines.
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