2008 GMC Acadia 6T70
Complaint: P2723 sets when transmission is placed in drive with no forward movement, reverse is ok.
Cause: The 1,2,3,4 clutch piston was blown as well as the wave plate, causing no forward movement
Correction: Replace all the damaged parts in the clutch.
Part numbers related to the repair: NA
Year Make and Model of the Vehicle: 2008 GMC Acadia
Mileage: NA
Shop Name: Griffin Transmission
Transmission: 6T70E
Additional Notes: During diagnosis we had them remove the valve body and air check the 1,2,3,4 clutch and it would not hold. They then removed the unit and found the damaged clutch. Most likely the wave plate broke which caused the piston to over travel and damage it.
Pictures/Diagram: Included below.
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