2019 Chevy 2500 Van 4.3L 8L90

Complaint: Vehicle setting codes PO722 - No output speed signal, and P176B - Intermediate speed sensor performance, after overhaul. The vehicle did not have these codes prior to overhaul. The codes were causing the vehicle to go to failsafe on initial take off.

Cause: The output speed sensor and Intermediate speed sensor were crossed in the case.

Correction: Install the speed sensors in the correct position, check picture for proper location.

Part numbers related to the repair: NA

Year Make and Model of the Vehicle: 2019 Chevy 2500 Van 4.3L

Mileage: NA

Shop Name: Aamco Transmissions

Transmission: 8L90E

Additional Notes: These 2 speed sensors are right next to each other in the case below the valve body, check the picture on the 2nd page, it is very easy to swap the locations. During any rebuild it would be a good idea to mark the location during the disassembly.

Pictures/Diagram: Included below.

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