2015 Dodge R2500 68RFE
Complaint: After Rebuild, truck had a good reverse until after a couple road tests, then it lost reverse completely.
Cause: Defective aftermarket input drum cut the inner o-ring seal between the forward clutches and the reverse clutches.
Correction: Replace the input drum with OEM.
Part numbers related to the repair: NA
Year Make and Model of the Vehicle: 2015 Dodge R2500
Mileage: NA
Shop Name: Sampson Transmissions
Transmission: 68RFE
Additional Notes: During rebuild the input drum had to be replaced. The shop bought an after-market replacement drum but this replacement drum was not machined correctly and was missing the chamfer that helps to guide the O-ring to the sealing surface. Check the photos below that show the good drum versus the faulty drum.
Pictures/Diagram: Included
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