Confirmed fix - 450-43LE- Transmission in a 2001 GMC 4500
Complaint: Truck was brought into shop for a no move condition with forward or reverse, after some basic checks shop technician unhooked cooler line and had no fluid flow. Transmission was pulled.
Cause: Stator turned in the pump blocking the converter feed hole not allowing it to fill, causing the no movement condition.
Correction: Replace the pump.
Part numbers related to the repair: OE part number very by years, use vin number for correct part numbers.
Year Make and Model of the Vehicle: 2001 GMC 4500 truck 4.8D
Mileage: N/A
Shop Name: Dale Adkins Repair
Transmission: 450-43LE
Additional Notes: Fluid is fed to the converter through the torque converter clutch release passage in the pump (see photo 1 for highlighted feed passage location). The shop technician decided to remove valve body and do some air check through the case. When trying to apply air to the converter feed passage no air could be heard going into the converter, transmission was pulled. The pump was removed and disassembled. Technician followed the fluid passage worn tracking (see photo 2). When checking more closely the feed hole into the pump stator was blocked, resulting in no way to feed the converter with fluid.
Pump was replaced, transmission was reinstalled, fluid was installed, it had no problem accepting the fluid, once transmission was full of fluid the transmission had all movement restored, problem solved.
Tech called back to confirm the fix.
Pictures: Included below, photo 1 shows converter feed passage in case, photo 2 shows the pump feed passage, photo 3 shows complete list of all case feed passage locations.
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